Wonderhunt is a nonprofit that tells great stories and gives them away for free.

We believe stories have the power to reveal deep and hidden things, things that can move, amaze, and change us. We share stories that can be used by everyone to start meaningful conversations and pass on powerful ideas.

We Are Wonderhunt

A man who once had everything finds himself with nothing, trying to carve out a new life in the wilderness. But when he notices something out of the ordinary off in the distance of the desert … everything changes. 
Three scientists spend their days studying the sky, working to decipher the movements of the heavens and what it all might mean. But when they find themselves peering at a very peculiar star … everything changes.
A woman who’s used to living in the shadows ventures into the village square during the hottest part of the day, hoping to avoid the accusatory looks of her neighbors. But when she encounters a mysterious stranger … everything changes.
Any one of these could be the logline of a great movie. 
They describe the moment when someone paused, got curious, and then took that first, sometimes tentative step in a new direction. Moses slowed down a little and then diverted from the well-worn path, the wise men stopped to look and then started packing their bags, the woman at the well lingered a little longer and then began asking questions. Each of them had their lives interrupted by a question:
I wonder what’s going on with that shrub? 
I wonder what that star could signify? 
I wonder who this stranger is? 
Their wondering caused them to slow down, look closer, and, eventually, chart a whole new course. That can be an exciting proposition, or it can be really scary. When we find ourselves at a similar inflection point, we might be hesitant to let our questions take us too far off the path we know. We wonder where our curiosity might lead us, and we wish we could see the whole journey laid out before we have to take that first step. But sometimes we have to go a little ways down a new path if we ever hope to find out where it might lead. 
In the case of Moses, God didn’t shout from a hundred yards away. He didn’t whistle and say, “Hey, over here.” Instead, the story tells us that it’s not until Moses’ curiosity had him coming over to look a little closer that God begins to speak. 
See, God likes when people come looking, he loves when they leave what they know to come and find him. He says, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you.” 
A shepherd found his life’s true calling. Astrologers discovered a King. A woman found the promised one she’d been waiting for all along. 
When we go on a serious search for God, he does not disappoint.
But what kinds of things can start a search like that one? What can shake us out of the ordinary, fill our minds with questions, and send us in the direction of the very thing we might have been looking for all along? 
Jesus used stories to do this very thing, to inspire people to start looking for more. He once said that he told stories to “bring out into the open things hidden since the world’s first day.” But his stories didn’t always come out and say everything. Instead, what they often did was invite people to lean in, ask questions, and wonder: What is he really saying? We want to tell stories that prompt the same kind of curiosity, the kind that makes us start plotting a course into the unknown. 
Stories have the power to interrupt our everyday lives, prompt interesting questions, and inspire us to start looking for answers. We want to tell those kinds of stories so that we might all pause, wonder, and begin our hunt for answers to life’s biggest questions.
We tell stories to help the curious explore the deep and hidden things of God.
We are Wonderhunt.

We’re a resource
for those pastors, teachers, and leaders who long
to communicate big ideas.

We’re a spark
to provoke people
to pause, get curious, & start looking for the things that help us live lives of beauty, richness, and meaning.

We’re a compass
to chart a course toward the places where the deepest truths can be found.

“Stories allow us to steal past those watchful dragons.”

C.S. Lewis

Have we missed the plot on stories?

In our information age it can be easy to think that sharing facts is enough to communicate big ideas. But are we missing something? History and experience show that stories are one of the most powerful ways to pass along the ideas that matter most.


Throughout the past, fairytales, myths, legends, and parables have been humankind’s primary way of passing on ideas and values.


Most of us have walls in place to help safeguard our preconceived notions. Stories are able to fly over those defenses to deliver powerful truths.


Stories take the whole person into consideration, activating the heart, soul, intellect, and imagination all at once.


We remember stories, holding on to the details and messages they impart much longer than many other forms of communication.


Instead of telling us what to think, stories help us uncover insight, and we tend to take more ownership of those insights. 


Stories leave room around the edges of ideas for all the things we can’t completely explain or understand.

Our Team

Our Collaborators

  • Bravingbird Collaborator – Musician and Composer – L.K. Andrê

    L.K. Andrê


  • Bravingbird Collaborator - Audio Engineer - Kristian Black

    Kristian Black


  • Bravingbird Collaborator – Musician and Composer – David Blascoe

    David Blascoe


  • Bravingbird Collaborator – Producer – Heather Froslid

    Heather Froslid


  • Bravingbird Collaborator – Writer and Creator – Sherita Harkness

    Sherita Harkness


  • Bravingbird Collaborator – Musician and Composer – TJ Hill

    TJ Hill


  • Bravingbird Collaborator - Musician and Composer - Stephen Kelly

    Stephen Kelly


  • Bravingbird Collaborator – Pastor Writer and Creator – Megan Fate Marshman

    Megan Fate Marshman


  • Bravingbird Collaborator – Post Production Sound –  Ryan Pribyl

    Ryan Pribyl


  • Bravingbird Collaborator – Filmmaker – Nathan Stevens

    Nathan Stevens


  • Bravingbird Collaborator – Musician and Director – Tracy Stingley, Sr.

    Tracy Stingley, Sr.


  • Bravingbird Collaborator – Writer and Producer – Kimberly Wehr

    Kimberly Wehr


  • Bravingbird Collaborator – Music Producer and Artist – Caleb Zovar

    Caleb Zovar


  • Bravingbird Collaborator – Writer & Director - Jared St. Cyr

    Jared St. Cyr


Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it.

Hannah Arendt

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