You have questions. Let’s see if we have some answers.


  • Wonderhunt is a crowdfunded non-profit, and the work we do is entirely supported by those who believe that the gospel can be spread through stories. Their generosity allows us to give resources away for free to churches, organizations, and individuals, helping the gospel come alive for every person no matter where they live. Click here for more information about how to support our mission.

  • All of our content will always be free.

  • From time to time we do have employment or internship opportunities to join our team. Visit our careers page to see if there are any current openings. If not, we’re always interested in hearing from people who might be future collaborators, or who might be the right person for our team in the future. Feel free to send us your resume and cover letter, and we’ll keep it on file.

  • We have our hands pretty full with the work we believe we’re made to do at Wonderhunt, so our team doesn’t take on any clients. That being said, we get to partner with some amazing people who we can’t recommend highly enough! Take a look at our collaborators and see if any of them might be a good fit for your project!

Using & Sharing

  • Yes! And… just about anywhere! We want our stories to find their way into everyday conversations, and we think those conversations can begin in all kinds of places: churches, workplaces, classrooms, camps, homes, conferences, and online. If you’ve found a unique place to use one of our films, we’d love to hear about it!

  • While many people love our stories, some aren’t quite sure how to use them in their context.

    In the future we hope to create additional resources to help people discover practical and powerful ways to make use of our stories, things like: programming guides, blogs, discussions, and additional/alternative edits of the original films that are tailored to specific situations.

    If you have ideas about what kinds of tools would best help you use our stories to their maximum potential… or… if you’ve found a creative way to integrate a story into your context, we’d love to hear from you!

  • Yes, but not many. You’re free to share our stories with a few basic guidelines in mind:

    • Please don’t make any edits to our content without permission. Reach out here and we'll be happy to chat about it. We're pretty quick to respond to all inquiries.

    • Don’t upload any standalone versions of our films to your own video-sharing platforms, places like YouTube, Vimeo, etc.

    • Give Wonderhunt credit for producing the video.

    • Don’t make a profit from the use of our videos.

    For more information about the limits of using our products, view our Terms and Conditions.

  • Yes, by all means! If you’re using our films as part of the programming of a service or an event that will be live-streamed or available on-demand, you’re welcome to include our films as part of that program.

    All we ask is that you don’t upload standalone versions of our films to your video channels in a way that they could be misconstrued as the work of you, personally, or you organization.

  • Yes! All of our films are made to share, and we encourage you to use their share buttons to post them to your social feeds and utilize the embed code to incorporate them into your website. All we ask is that you use the sharing functions built into our videos rather than downloading them and re-uploading them to your own site or feeds.

  • Do you need a different language, subtitles, a shorter version, or something else? Get in touch, and let’s talk about options.

  • No, but the timing of the logo differs on YouTube versus what you’ll see or download on our site. On the YouTube versions of our films the logo appears immediately at the end of the film. The versions you see on our site and on our downloads give a buffer of a few seconds before the logo appears, giving you (or your team) plenty of time to transition to something else. To access the downloadable versions of our films create a free account.

  • Not yet. We’re very interested in making our films accessible in other languages via subtitles and/or dubs, but we’re only in the early stages of looking into feasibility. (We’re a small team. Pequeño pero poderoso.) In the meantime, if you’re interested in adding subtitles or dubbing our films for use in your non-English speaking environment, drop us a line, and we’ll see if we can offer a unique file that helps with your project (e.g., one that removes English narration, titles, etc.).

Tech & Specs

  • All of our films are available to download in both 4K and HD. If your environment requires full-resolution or a higher bitrate, get in touch and we’ll see what we can do.

  • All of our downloads are a stereo mix, but if you need audio splits or a 5.1 mix drop us a line.


  • You can support Wonderhunt's mission to create powerful, beautiful, and free content that helps the gospel come alive for every person through either a one-time or ongoing gift. Visit our give page for more information.

  • Yes, in the U.S. every gift to Bravingbird (Wonderhunt) is 100% tax-deductible because we are a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization (EIN: 85-4349182).

  • Of course! If you’d prefer to send a check by mail, address it to:

    Bravingbird (Wonderhunt)
    114 West Main St
    West Dundee, IL 60118

    Be sure to include your name and email so we can link your gift to your account and send you an end-of-year statement. And THANK YOU!

Your Account

  • If you just want to enjoy our films for yourself, no, you don’t need an account. All of our stories are available to everyone.

    But we think good things are worth sharing.

    If you want to share our films with others in your context with maximum control and flexibility, creating an account allows you to download our films for offline use.

  • The account helps us do two things:

    1. It helps us know how we’re doing. By creating an account you give us a tiny bit of insight into where you hope to use our stories. The only information we ask for is your name, your email, the primary place where you hope to share stories, and the size of your potential audience.

    2. Legal stuff. When you sign up for an account you’ll agree to our Terms and Conditions, which protects our work and your use of it.

    • You’ll get a message from us when we release new content. But only if you want, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

    • From time to time we might send a couple questions your way about how (or if) you used a story, what worked, and what you wish were better.

    • And that’s it! We will never spam you or sell your information.

    • To learn more about the personal information we collect, visit our Privacy Policy.

  • There isn’t one. Really.

    We love stories because we’ve seen how powerful they can be in helping us encounter God, understand ourselves and others, foster wonder, and chart our own stories! We love what we do and we love nothing better than giving it away.

    If you want to help support what we do we’ll gladly accept your generosity, but there’s no requirement or expectation.


Is there a burning question we still haven’t answered? Get in touch!