Wonderhunt Wonderhunt

Have You Any Room?

On the night Jesus was born there was no room for him anywhere in the town of Bethlehem apart from a lowly stable. Both then and now, the palaces, politics, and other venerated places of our world have little room for Jesus. But the real question we must consider is this: Do we have room for him?

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Wonderhunt Wonderhunt

The Piano

When Tracy first sat down at the piano he knew he was home. But as his actual home filled with conflict, Tracy found himself trying to live between two very different worlds: the church and the chaotic streets of Chicago’s south side.

When his choices started leading to real trouble, Tracy found himself reaching for the things that stayed steady and learning that it’s often when life spins out of control that we can finally see the things holding it all together.

The Piano is a powerful short film and free video that can be used and shared in the church, classroom, and anywhere else to contribute to worship, work, and life.

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Wonderhunt Wonderhunt


We make discoveries all the time. We unearth an understanding of a certain topic. We stumble upon a handful of people we love. We track down that one thing we seem born to do.

But have you ever discovered something that changes everything?

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Wonderhunt Wonderhunt

The Wilderness

This prayer, a conversation between a wanderer and God, asks whether the wilderness might hold a promise for each of us, the promise that when everything else is stripped away, what’s most important remains. The Wilderness is a free video for church worship. View Bravingbird's free worship videos for church and family prayer grounded in the gospel and scripture.

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Wonderhunt Wonderhunt


They call it breaking a horse because the animal's will needs to be broken. But is sheer will and force what it takes to bring a horse under control? Might there a better way to train and to lead?

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Bravingbird Film Still – Sounds That Speak

Become a Storyteller.

Made for everyone

Whether you’re a pastor, teacher, parent, or friend, all of us have important ideas we want to share with the world. Our films can be used by anyone to reach anyone.

Easy to find

All of our videos are searchable by theme or scripture passage, so you can easily find something that works. And once you’ve found something, you can download it, stream it, show it, and share it however you need.

Easy to use

Our films are meant to be incorporated into worship services, meetings, and classrooms, and to be shared with friends to spark conversations around dinner tables or online. Next time you’re thinking about how to convey an important idea, see if one of our stories can help get the conversation started.

100% free

Best of all, all of our stories are yours for the taking! To begin downloading our films, simply sign up for a free Storytellers account. In the future, we’ll let you know whenever we have new stories to share, but we promise to never share your information or spam you.

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