Wonderhunt Wonderhunt

Ghosted (Psalm 22)

After relocating to a new city with high hopes for a fresh start, a young woman finds herself grappling with a series of mounting issues. She reaches out again and again for help and can't help but wonder why it feels like she’s been ghosted by the one she trusts the most.

Drawing inspiration from Psalm 22, the film serves as an allegory for the psalmist’s cry of abandonment and provides hope through the simple act of remembering.

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Wonderhunt Wonderhunt

Darkroom of the Soul

At some point, many of us will encounter what the poets and philosophers call the “dark night of the soul.” These seasons can be lonely and disorienting, and they can also change us. Like a photographer who snaps a photo on a mountainside but then labors in the isolation of a darkroom to bring something beautiful into fruition, some of the best work of living happens in the darkest seasons.

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Wonderhunt Wonderhunt

Here and Everywhere

Theo wants nothing more than to get home to his family to celebrate Christmas among the people and traditions he loves, but when his bus breaks down late on Christmas Eve he realizes that this holiday won’t look anything like the one he planned. Here and Everywhere encourages us to be a part of bringing our hopes to the here and now, looking not just toward a destination, but embracing the journey, surprises, and people who travel this life alongside us.

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Bravingbird Film Still – Sounds That Speak

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Made for everyone

Whether you’re a pastor, teacher, parent, or friend, all of us have important ideas we want to share with the world. Our films can be used by anyone to reach anyone.

Easy to find

All of our videos are searchable by theme or scripture passage, so you can easily find something that works. And once you’ve found something, you can download it, stream it, show it, and share it however you need.

Easy to use

Our films are meant to be incorporated into worship services, meetings, and classrooms, and to be shared with friends to spark conversations around dinner tables or online. Next time you’re thinking about how to convey an important idea, see if one of our stories can help get the conversation started.

100% free

Best of all, all of our stories are yours for the taking! To begin downloading our films, simply sign up for a free Storytellers account. In the future, we’ll let you know whenever we have new stories to share, but we promise to never share your information or spam you.

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