Bravingbird is now wonderhunt!

New Name. New Focus.
Same Stories.

We tell stories to help the curious explore the deep and hidden things of God, and give them away for FREE!

Featured Films

All the stories with no strings attached.

Every story we tell is made available for free to be experienced, used, and shared by anyone to help start meaningful conversations and pass on powerful ideas.

How it works

  1. Create a FREE account.

  2. Download a film.

  3. Share it in a service or with a group of people.


Made for everyone

Whether you’re a pastor, teacher, parent, or friend, all of us have important ideas we want to share with the world. Our films can be used by anyone to reach anyone.

Easy to find

All of our videos are searchable by theme or scripture passage, so you can easily find something that works. And once you’ve found what you’re looking for you can download it, stream it, show it, and share it however you need.

Easy to use

Our films are meant to be incorporated into worship services, meetings, and classrooms, and to be shared with friends to spark conversations around dinner tables or online. Next time you’re thinking about how to convey an important idea, see if one of our stories can help get the conversation started.

Did we mention they were 100% free yet?

Best of all, all of our stories are yours for the taking! To begin downloading our films, simply sign up for a free account. In the future, we’ll let you know whenever we have new stories to share, but we promise to never share your information or spam you.

We use stories because Jesus did.

And Jesus used stories for some very good reasons.

Jesus is said to have told a story every time he opened his mouth. Why? His closest friends once asked him that exact question. He told them it was for those who didn’t quite see the whole picture; stories gave them a glimpse of something they couldn’t quite grasp…. yet. Jesus told stories—often made up ones, fictions—that couldn’t have been more true.

Far more than just an entertainment, an illustration, or a diversion before getting back to the real work of “teaching,” Jesus often entrusted his most important truths to the messenger of story. 

We believe stories have the power to move and amaze, instruct and uncover, heal and reveal. Good stories have a powerful role to play in helping us all understand the mystery of God, the beauty of the gospel, and the wonder of his creation.

frequently asked questions

  • Stories have the power to interrupt our everyday lives, prompt interesting questions, and inspire us to start looking for answers. We want to tell those kinds of stories so that we might all pause, wonder, and begin our hunt for answers to life’s biggest questions.

  • Even though it's a new name and a new focus, it's the same stories.

    We've realized our stories weren’t just resources for communicators to share important ideas, they are also guides for … well … everyone.

    And that’s why we’ve chosen to rebrand this storytelling adventure we started in 2020. We want to invite everyone who finds our stories into a quest of their own, and we want our name, our look, and our language, and our stories to provoke people to pause, get curious, and start looking for the things that help us live lives of beauty, richness, and meaning. 

    Read the whole story here on our blog.

  • It REALLY is!

    Anyone can watch our films, but you'll need to create a FREE account to download our films. We just ask that you abide by our (in our opinions....generous) terms & conditions.

“I will use stories to speak my message and to explain things hidden since the creation of the world.”

Matthew 13:35