New Name. New Focus. Same Stories.

On a night in October, almost four years ago, when we first began to dream about what this thing could look like, we had in mind that person who has discovered a powerful truth, one that has changed his or her life, and who is desperate to share that truth with the people they care about. 

But all of us live in a world in which we’re bombarded by messages everyday. News outlets, advertisers, politicians, and seemingly everyone else are asking us to care about their ideas, or to support them, or even adopt them as our own. And we can’t. It’s too much for any of us; therefore, most of us have, knowingly or unknowingly, built defensive walls against most of the ideologies that everyone seems to be lobbing our way.

In a crowded and contentious landscape like that one, we wondered, how can we ensure that those who long to communicate the most important messages can actually get through all the noise?

Story. Stories have the power to entertain and woo us, and because of their unique ability to speak to the totality of our humanity—body, mind, and emotions—stories can often get through when nothing else can. We dreamed of a company that could attach life’s most important messages to the powerful and persuasive vehicle of stories.

Our basic premise was this: if you have an important idea to share, there’s no more powerful way to share it than through story. 

Emblematic of that were the brave birds who carried messages in times of war and peace, crossing impossible distances, soaring over barricades and the best-laid defenses in order to deliver important messages to places no other thing could reach.

Thus, we called this thing Bravingbird.

Since then we’ve seen many of our stories used by pastors and communicators to help the messages they’re most passionate about pierce through the noise and resonate in powerful ways. In short, we’ve started to see exactly what we hoped for.

But also, as is often true at the outset of any new thing, we didn’t know what we didn’t know. 

We didn’t know that our stories would be used by therapists to help facilitate breakthroughs in challenging relationships. We didn’t know our stories would resonate with parents in the midst of overwhelming circumstances. We didn’t know that individuals would use our stories, personally, to facilitate their own growth. 

In short, we didn’t know that our stories weren’t just resources for communicators to share important ideas, they are also guides for … well … everyone. Anyone who longs to discover inspiration, challenge, and meaning in their lives can use our stories to pause, ask questions, and chart a course toward deeper discoveries. 

Thus far, our brand has been focused on the journey each story goes through to deliver a powerful truth. Like the carrier pigeons used throughout history, a story can embark on a grand adventure to brave and evade treacherous territory to find the way home to our hearts.

But today, our company is turning a corner. Instead of emphasizing the journey of the story, we want to emphasize the journey of you and I. 

We’ve come to realize that anytime we lean in and engage deeply with a good story, the questions, ideas, and insights it provokes invite us into a journey of which the story is simply the catalyst. 

We’ll always be a resource for those pastors, teachers, and leaders who long to communicate big ideas, but we also believe our stories can be the first chapter on a grand adventure for all of us. When stories spark our curiosity and prompt us to begin exploring the powerful truths underneath the surface of our lives and our world, we embark on a hunt that can take us to all kinds of unexpected places…and that kind of wholehearted seeking always leads to finding!

And that’s why we’ve chosen to rebrand this storytelling adventure we started four years ago. We want to invite everyone who finds our stories into a quest of their own, and we want our name, our look, and our language, and our stories to provoke people to pause, get curious, and start looking for the things that help us live lives of beauty, richness, and meaning. 

We tell stories to help the curious explore the deep and hidden things of God. 

We are Wonderhunt.


Behind the film: For Generations To Come


Jollof Rice Recipe